
The Arlington Latin Mass Society is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All donations are 100% tax-deductible. If you would like to make a contribution towards our mission of supporting traditional Catholic liturgy in the Diocese of Arlington and beyond, it is gratefully accepted through any of the methods below.

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Arlington Latin Mass Society

3213 Duke St, Suite 670

Alexandria, VA 22314

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Contribute to a Specific Project

We welcome donations earmarked for specific purposes. We have a number of ongoing and upcoming initiatives, all of which which rely on your generosity for their success. To earmark a donation for one of these projects, you can use the memo field on your personal check, Zelle, or GiveSendGo, or select from the drop-down menu on PayPal.

Good Friday Shuttle Buses

Since the Diocese of Arlington and Archdiocese of Washington have forbidden the celebration of the TLM during Holy Week, including the Sacred Triduum, it has become necessary for the faithful attached to the traditional rites to travel to other dioceses for these most holy days.

In order to enable as many people as possible to attend the traditional Good Friday liturgy, in 2023 ALMS began chartering buses to the National Shrine of St. Alphonsus Liguori in Baltimore, Md., pictured above, and St. Joseph Church in Richmond, Va., both administered by the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter — and dozens of faithful took us up on the offer. We will do so again in 2024, and intend to continue each year as long as the traditional Holy Week liturgies are unavailable in Arlington and Washington.

We would like to keep these buses free of charge. That said, chartering these buses is a large financial commitment. Your donation will help ensure we are able to continue to offer this service.

If you are interested in sponsoring a whole bus, ALMS will gratefully name that route after you or your business. Please reach out to us at to make arrangements.

ALMS Speaker Series

Each month, we host lectures by respected clergy and lay experts on topics related to traditional Catholic liturgy and life. Speakers so far have included:

These lectures are free and open to the public, and most are recorded and published on our YouTube channel. Please consider making a contribution to help enable us to secure venues and justly compensate our guest speakers for their time and effort.

If you are interested in sponsoring a lecture or hosting one at your venue, or if you are an expert in a relevant field interested in speaking for us, please reach out at to make arrangements.

The National Summorum Pontificum Pilgrimage & The Weekly DC Rosary Rally

Ever since the Diocese of Arlington and the Archdiocese of Washington announced their twin policies restricting the celebration of the traditional Mass, ALMS has been organizing a public, prayerful response from the lay faithful. This has taken two main forms. In June 2022, we began holding weekly Rosary rallies outside the Apostolic Nunciature in DC. In September 2022, the first annual (formerly semi-annual) National Summorum Pontificum Pilgrimage saw over 300 faithful Catholics walk the route between the two dioceses' cathedrals, St. Thomas More and St. Matthew the Apostle, singing hymns and praying fervently for the restoration everywhere of the traditional Roman liturgy to its former liberty. This pilgrimage will continue until, God willing, our prayers are answered.

Prayer is free – Deo gratias! – but bringing so many people together, especially for the pilgrimages, is costly. Your contribution will help cover expenses such as return transportation at the route's end, printing programs for the pilgrims with hymns, Offices, and Mass propers to be prayed, and equipment and supplies.

If you are interested in sponsoring a return shuttle bus, the programs, or another aspect of the pilgrimages, please reach out to us at to make arrangements. 

Liturgies for Special Occasions

On special occasions, we have sponsored liturgies at various parishes in the Diocese of Arlington. So far, this has included:

Each of these liturgies incurs expenses, the largest of which is the the printing of programs with the relevant liturgical texts and chants, especially when these are not found in ordinary hand missals.

If you are interested in sponsoring a whole liturgy, or would like to propose an occasion for one, please reach out to us at to make arrangements.

Supporting Traditional Seminarians & Candidates for Religious Life

In May 2023, we launched our first fundraiser to support a candidate for traditional religious life. Thanks to your generous donations, we were able to substantially ease the financial strain of discernment for a young woman who entered as a postulant with the Sisters Adorers of the Royal Heart of Jesus Christ Sovereign Priest, the women religious' wing of the Institute of Christ the King.

In May–June 2024, we partnered with Prof. Janet Smith to raise funds to support the education and formation of seminarians in Uganda, specifically to cover the costs of housing for their propaedutic year. This fundraiser is still ongoing; donations are gratefully accepted here.

We are always looking for more opportunities to support traditional seminarians and prospective religious as they discern their vocations.

If you are interested in becoming a major sponsor for a seminarian or pre-postulant, or know of such a candidate, please reach out to us at to make arrangements or share information.

Mass Times

Our IT operations are simple, but they aren't free. Your donation will help us cover the costs of maintaining our web presence, which is vital to sharing news about our initiatives, and especially for sharing traditional Latin Mass times that parishes are no longer allowed to advertise themselves under current diocesan rules. Our website is the only comprehensive, actively maintained list of TLMs in the Diocese of Arlington and surrounding dioceses.